"Let me explain Deuteronomy to you, remember I unfold my plan slowly."
- First, I am the only true God, there is no other.
- Second, I brought you out to bring you in. I brought you out of that prison to bring you into the freedom of love.
- Third, I ask nothing of you but that kind of love, which includes respecting Me for who I am, following Me wherever I lead, serving Me with your whole heart, and obeying every command I give. -Dr. Larry Crabb
He encourages them, almost pleading, over and over again to put the Lord their God first always, in everything, every day of their lives. He reminds the generation about to enter the Promised Land of the blessings and curses that come with an obedient or disobedient life - one that follows God or walks away from Him.
One of my favorite pieces of scripture is found in chapter six:
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-7)
Fitting words from Moses to the millions of Israelites who were about to step into their Promised Land for the first time. I hope you're following along in your Bible, because you're about to witness a second parting of the waters in Joshua (chapters 1-4).
A Few Questions to Ponder
- Moses last words to the Israelites are in Deuteronomy, probably written by Joshua after his death. Have you ever wondered what your last words would be to those YOU loved?
- It's been forty years of wandering in the wilderness. Can you imagine the joy that Caleb and Joshua must be feeling right now? Are you experiencing your own "wilderness" right now? What do you think God is trying to teach you through it?
- Is there a Promised Land on your horizon? Has the Lord whispered something to your heart? What are you doing to prepare for it? What "giants" are keeping you in your wilderness place?
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