Sunday, January 9, 2011

66 Love Letters - Chapter Three - Leviticus

Holiness Comes Before Happiness: Holiness Is Happiness

"You must not try to fit Me into your plans. Your plans are too small. You must fit yourself into Mine. Remember, I do have a plan. And it's a good one! I've written Leviticus to tell you one thing: The toughest part of My plan, the part that's costliest to Me, is to make you holy."

Leviticus means "concerning the Levites" and the title rightly fits this chunk of the Bible. With the tabernacle complete, next comes God's charge to keep for the priests. He tells them exactly what keeping the temple is all about. Reminding me that God is always in even the most minute details of my life as well.

Leviticus is such an eye-opening book of the Bible for me. Reading chapter after chapter of laws and judgements for the people, I'm overwhelmed with the fact that I could not possibly keep them all.

What appreciation I have for Jesus my savior. Gratefulness does not seem a large enough word to convey my heart tonight.

A Few Questions to Ponder

  • There are five different offerings described in Leviticus; Burnt Offering, Grain Offering, Sin Offering, Guilt Offering and Fellowship Offering. Can you see any of these offerings as a picture of Christ and His ultimate sacrifice?
  • When an animal was sacrificed, why do you think a male without blemish was always the requirement?
  • God requires those with scabs, or around stagnant water, mildew, and dead animals to be set outside of camp (quarantined) for days and sometimes weeks at a time.  Do you believe this to be harsh or loving? Why?

1 comment:

  1. I love that the 5 sacrifices were for unintentional sin... now what do we do for a willful all out calf sort of sin? Don't worry there is a feast for that!

    I love Leviticus and that we are all becoming a kingdom of priests and that the Torah Law is loving God and loving others...

    Leviticus 23 is my favorite, I love that God appointed feasts to point to Jesus and his first and second coming... awesome!
